10 Popular Myths About Lifeguard Training Near Me


For many looking to get certified as a lifeguard, rumors and misleading information about what to expect from lifeguard training courses seem to spread quicker than real facts. This causes unnecessary fear or unrealistic expectations that end up disappointing trainees. As a leading provider of American Lifeguard Association programs, American Lifeguard Events wants to clear the air on some popular myths. Our goal is to give you an informed idea of what the training entails so you can feel fully prepared.

1: It Only Takes a Weekend

You may have heard that lifeguard training near me can be earned in just one intensive weekend session. While it’s true some accelerated courses exist, the standard is still multiple separate sessions spanning multiple days or weeks. Rushing through on a weekend means you likely won’t have time to truly master the necessary skills. American Lifeguard Events courses always follow American Lifeguard Association guidelines, requiring at least 30 hours total with chunks broken up to allow skills to sink in.

2: Passing the Swim Test is Easy

Overestimating your swimming ability is a common downfall, leading many to fail the prerequisite swim test. To pass, you must continuously swim 300 yards using a front crawl, breaststroke, or a combination, then submerge to a depth of 7–10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object and return to the surface within 1 minute and 40 seconds. You also need to tread water for 2 minutes without using your hands. Don’t kid yourself; this assessment is no walk in the park. Come to American Lifeguard Events prepared to swim at your physical best.

3 -You Don’t Need Prior Experience

While newbies can certainly earn certification, having prior experience in swimming and watching crowds will serve you well at American Lifeguard Events. Those with a solid foundation in water rescues, CPR techniques, and first aid will have an easier time with the demanding physical and written tests. Seek lifeguarding as more than just a summer job; see it as a safety career where constant practice makes perfect. Experience what you learn, and keep practicing regularly on your own between courses.

4: It’s Only Classroom Learning

Far from it. While American Lifeguard Events programs do involve important classroom modules covering topics like injury prevention, policy, and procedure, the bulk is hands-on skill practice. Be ready for intense sessions in the water working on techniques for surveying areas, assisting swimmers, performing rescues, spinal injury management, and more. Your instructor will put you through realistic scenarios requiring split-second decision-making under pressure to see how well you’ve mastered guarding protocol. Passing comes down to perfecting physical skills, not just book skills.

5: It’s a Walk in the Park

With very real lives often in your hands as an on-duty guard, achieving certification through American Lifeguard Events should in no way feel easy or basic. Candidates who enter training with the attitude that it will be a breeze almost always end up eating their words. Paying strict attention during every lesson is key, leaving nothing to chance. Only through intense focus, grit, and repeatedly practicing until exhaustion can you truly know you are ready in case of an emergency. Respect the role and the challenges that come with it from the start.

6: The Lifeguard Training Are Way Too Hard

One of the most commonly cited reasons prospective students give for avoiding lifeguard training near me is fear that the physical training and swimming skills will be too difficult to pass. While the courses do have high standards to ensure guards are adequately prepared, most find the assessments very achievable with consistent practice. Our instructors are also very experienced in helping all types of students succeed. Don’t let intimidating rumors scare you away; with dedication, anyone can complete the training.

7: It Takes Forever to Become Certified

In reality, most full-time lifeguard certification courses run 7–10 days total. While a big-time commitment, it’s hardly “forever” to gain this valuable profession. Those rumor-filled weekends seem a lot more doable when you understand you’ll be job-ready in under two weeks. And American Lifeguard Events even offers flexible scheduling options like evenings and weekends for those with busy schedules.

8: I Won’t Be Able To Find A Job As A Lifeguard

With warmer weather comes increased demand for lifeguards at pools, waterparks, beaches, and more. Our placement services have relationships with hundreds of facilities nationally in constant need of trained guards. Seasonal openings and year-round positions are plentiful for certified students. Protecting lives is highly rewarding work that also looks great on a resume. Value yourself; don’t rule out lifeguarding just because of job availability myths.

9: I’ll Be Bored Just Sitting In A Tower All Day

While tower duty is part of the job, lifeguards do much more than just passively watch. Effective guards are constantly scanning, identifying risks, enforcing rules, and providing important public safety. Rotate regularly between active roles like in-water rescues, CPR, first aid, and more. American Lifeguard Events training challenges students to stay highly alert and prepared for any emergency. You’ll feel very engaged protecting patrons’ lives—not bored at all.

10: It’s Too Expensive To Become A Lifeguard

Though an investment, lifeguard training near me is actually one of the most affordable ways to start an in-demand career. Our courses are among the most competitively priced in the industry, at under $250 on average, including all materials. Compare that to the costs of other certifications or college degrees! Many facilities also offer strong pay and perks for guards. Training may seem like an upfront cost, but it pays dividends through career wages and experiences you can’t put a price on.

Final Words:

The rewards of working as a certified lifeguard are tremendous. You get to ensure safety at pools, beaches, and aquatic facilities while also building invaluable crisis management and leadership skills. But coming to American Lifeguard Events with realistic expectations is half the battle. Don’t fall for misinformation; know what to expect so you can give training your absolute all. Your future guarding career and, potentially, the lives you protect depend on it.


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